Synopsis: Daibiru Corporation, a Japanese company, invests Rs 10 billion in an upcoming office complex in Gurugram, co-developed by DLF and Hines.
Marking a significant investment in Indian real estate, Daibiru Corporation, a subsidiary of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, has injected Rs 10 billion into an under-construction office complex in Gurugram. This project is a joint venture between DLF, a major Indian developer, and Hines, a global real estate investment firm.
The investment by Daibiru facilitates the exit of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) from the project, bringing in a new partner for DLF and Hines. The upcoming office complex, christened “Atrium Place,” spans a vast 2.88 million square feet across 11.76 acres of prime Gurugram land. The project boasts Grade A+ office space and is slated for completion in 2025.
This move by Daibiru signifies confidence in the Indian real estate market, particularly the Gurugram office segment.