In a bid to revitalize Uttar Pradesh’s tourism industry, the state government has implemented significant amendments to the Building Construction and Development Byelaws (2008). These changes aim to streamline the process of establishing hotels, particularly smaller ventures catering to budget-conscious travelers.

A key revision eliminates the minimum land area requirement for hotels with 6 to 20 rooms, as long as they adhere to established building codes. This eliminates a significant hurdle for potential hoteliers, especially those looking to operate in areas with limited space. Furthermore, the minimum plot size for larger hotels has been slashed in half, from 1,000 square meters to 500 square meters. This move intends to incentivize the development of a wider range of hotels throughout the state.

The relaxed regulations also address location restrictions. Previously, hotels were prohibited in residential areas. However, the new byelaws allow hotels with up to 20 rooms to be built on wider roads (over 9 meters) within these areas. This opens doors for more lodging options near tourist attractions and historical sites, potentially creating a more vibrant hospitality landscape.

Overall, these amendments by the Uttar Pradesh government signal a proactive approach to fostering tourism growth. By simplifying procedures and reducing land area requirements, they aim to attract a wider range of hotel developers and encourage the creation of budget-friendly accommodation options across the state. This not only benefits tourists but also has the potential to create new jobs and stimulate the local economy.

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